City of Kingston Parks Say ‘Open the Pavillions!’
There have been a few signs that things are getting back to a "new-ish normal." What are those signs? The weather has just started to turn warm, the trees are starting to bud, the grass is getting greener, more people are allowed to gather in one place, and school students have started the x amount of days until the end-of-the school year countdown. Yes, we are doing all of this while wearing a face mask, but it is getting better.
Here is another way to see that there is hope. The City of Kingston has announced that they will be opening the Pavilions again. The Pavilions again. They had to close them down for use in March of 2020 (according to their website). While they are going to be able to reserve them for public use as of May 1, 2021, there will still be a few use restrictions. Wait, maybe guidelines is a better word?
There will be a maximum of 200 people allowed to be using the pavilion. You will still be able to rent a pavilion for the "May through October season." How much will that cost you? Depending on which location the charge will be $65 to $19.
In addition to limiting each use to 200 people or less, Mayor Steve Noble of Kingston, said in a press release, that they are hoping that all residents who want to can come out and use the pavilions and that they would like to encourage everyone to wear face masks and to social distance to help prevent the further spread of the Covid-19 virus.
Thinking about renting a pavilion? Call 845-481-7330 or chuppert@kingston-ny.gov or visit www.kingstonparksandrec.org.