City of Kingston Gives the Gift of Free Parking Through Dec 31
Over the course of the last few months, you might not have ventured out of your house too much (understandably) but the City of Kingston has appreciated you visiting their businesses and shops. They appreciate it so much that they are going to have free parking again throughout the City of Kingston through December 31, 2020.
“In the spirit of the holiday season and acknowledging the difficult year we’ve had, there will be free parking in the City of Kingston for two weeks. I hope this helps brighten your holidays, and I encourage everyone who is able to visit your favorite local shops and restaurants - safely and following all appropriate Covid protocols-- during a crucial time for businesses.”
The parking machines, pay stations, and parking meters throughout the City lots will be bagged. While you will not be paying to park there the City has said that the machines and the lots, will be undergoing repairs and maintenance.
Be aware, that while you will not be ticketed for accepting this gift of free parking, you can be cited if you are unlawfully parked in a handicapped spot, double parked, have an expired inspection or block a fire hydrant.
When will you need to pay to park again in the City of Kingston? The date is Jan 4, 2021. At that time you should see (or not see) bags on the parking machines, and you will also be ticketed for non-payment at that time.
So, enjoy this free 'gift' while it lasts to visit the downtown shops, restaurants, and historical sites.
Meet the City of Poughkeepsie Holiday MRAP
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