Help! Can You Bring a Badly Wilting Plant Back To Life?
Emphasis on badly wilting...any help and suggestions would be great.
Ugh, let me give you the full story. I recently moved into an apartment and when my friends heard I was moving they all gave me some pretty cool house warning gifts to celebrate the occasion. I felt really lucky because I was gifted wine, drinking glasses, candles and some plants to make me feel like I was home in my new space.
Due to my job and trying to balance seeing friends and family, I'm actually really not there a whole lot. I've definitely learned that at this phase of my life taking care of anything isn't a good idea, but I thought I could swing taking care of a few plants. Well, my mistake.
So, What Is This Plant?
One of my friends who gifted me the plant is very into gardening and anything to do with the outdoors. She explained how it's important to have something living in my place and the type of plant she gave allegedly helps filter the air. I can't confirm this because I tossed out the packaging, but I think it's called a spider plant. She knows my track record with things and will ask me how to plant is doing and if it's still living.
I've had a few busy weeks and can honestly say I have no idea what happened, but my plant is a goner. Yep, just like that. To make matters worse, my friend is coming over for a visit and I know she is going to ask all about it. I'm in need of some help so I don't get an "I told you so"....
Here's the damage:
Do you have any suggestions or tips on how to bring a plant back to life? Can you do even do this? If you have any ideas to help, please send me a message on the app.
I appreciate the help, in case you need it I found information on dangerous plants and what's going on in the area (we have to change it up a little)