Wildlife Hoarding Busted In New York! Hundreds of Birds In One Home!
When you think of the term 'hoarding' what comes to mind? I immediately picture episodes of that television show Hoarders on A&E TV, Homes filled with random items collected over years and years. For whatever reason the homeowner doesn't want to throw anything away and it gets overwhelming.
There is also such a thing as wildlife hoarding where an individual might have hundreds of uncared for animals in their home or on their property. A case of wildlife hoarding was recently discovered here in New York with literally hundreds of birds found inside the home.

According to the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation, Conservation officers got a call from the Suffolk County Police Department as well as the Suffolk County Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals regarding a case of alleged wildlife hoarding.
Environmental Conservation Officers Dickson other DEC Wildlife staff members started an investigation into a home suspected of having several bird species. What they found was much more than that.
Based on information found in a DEC press release, officers identified hundreds of birds on the property including a grackle, American robin, and mourning dove, cockatiels, love birds, finches, and parakeets. Birds weren't the only wildlife found on site. A tortoise and several cats were also discovered.
It is illegal in New York to possess native and local wildlife. To see a detailed list of which animals are legal or illegal or process in New York State click HERE from NYC Business.
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