A popular brand that has been around for decades can still be bought in stores today. In fact, this brand first started in upstate New York

'America's Most Famous Dessert' not only has a historical site of where it started but a gallery and museum to explore as well.

You'd Never Know This Popular Brand Started In A Upstate New York Building

JELL-O is known for being 'America's Most Famous Dessert'.

Guests can visit the JELL-O Gallery in LeRoy, NY. This gallery mentioned that Peter Cooper first had the idea of food with gelatin; however, Pearle Wait created this dessert in 1897.

Wait, from LeRoy, NY was a carpenter who was working on creating a laxative tea and cough remedy. He then was experimenting with gelatine and created a dessert that was soon named JELL-O. Wait's wife, May named 'America's Most Famous Dessert'.

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'America's Most Famous Dessert', JELL-O Was Created In A New York Factory

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There's a historic building in upstate New York where JELL-O was created. The Historical Marker Database shared information about this location.

There's a historical marker that shares that The Jell-O Company was from 1900 until 1964 in LeRoy, NY.

They shared that JELL-O started at the Genesee Pure Food Company on the site of the historical marker. The Historical Marker Database also shared

"The original factory was replaced in the early 1900's by this mission style brick building. The Genesee Pure Food Company was reorganized as the Jell-O Company in 1923."

It wasn't until 1925 that JELL-O  sold the company to Postum of Battle Creek in Michigan. 

The JELL-O factory can be viewed from the road on North Street in LeRoy, NY.

Have You Been To The JELL-O Museum In LeRoy, NY?

JELL-O lovers can visit LeRoy, NY to learn more about this historic dessert. The JELL-O Gallery has exhibits for guests, On The Road and the JELL-O Brick Road. A guided tour is also available at this location.

Guests of the JELL-O Gallery can explore recipe books along with memorabilia and more. The On The Road experience highlights 100 years of transportation with information about carriages, wagons and more of the 1840's.

The JELL-O Brick Road is sponsored by the LeRoy Historical Society is a brick walkway located along the LeRoy House Garden.

Additional information about this museum can be found on their website.

Would you visit the original factory of JELL-O and this upstate museum? What's your favorite JELL-O flavor? Tell us more below.

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