New Yorkers Can Now Apply For HEAP 2023-2024 Winter Heat
This could be the year that you are unable to pay your bill. The cost of absolutely everything has increased. Yes, gasoline, groceries, and clothing are just the tip of the iceberg. There is one thing that we are about to find out has really increased, what is that?
The cost of heating your home for winter. With oil companies locking customers in at $6 plus a gallon for home heating oil and the electric company informing customers that the rates for this winter (2023-2024) are going to be triple? Quadruple?
What can you do? Not heat your home? There is an option to get help heating your home, it's called HEAP. The application for the next heating period begins again on November 1, 2023.
What is HEAP? What does it do?
HEAP is the Home Energy Assistance Program. The program offers you a one-time assistance payment to cover the costs of heating your home. The payment can help you regardless of how you heat your home, even if you were to heat your home with coal or wood, this could help.
When can you apply for HEAP? What other funding can HEAP provide?
The application for the winter period begins November 1 of each year. Yes, it is income-based. Even if you think you might not qualify, please look and double-check. Also, there is funding available to help people get their heating units serviced and repaired.
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Here's the link to apply and get more information.
Using a space heater to keep warm? Here are a few reminders to keep you and your family safe (and warm)