Did you get a bicycle during the pandemic? You were not alone, even a year later there are many bicycle merchants that are still having trouble getting new bicycle inventory to sell to their customers.

Congrats if you have been pedaling away. Do you have a helmet? Do you legally need to ride a bicycle with a helmet on in New York State? Can a police officer pull you over and give you a ticket? Is that legal?

If you are under the age of 14, in New York State, then yes, it is a law that you must have a helmet on when riding a bike.

Here is how it is written on the NYS website:

NYS law requires that all children under the age of 14 wear an approved bicycle helmet. The maximum penalty for an offense is a $50 fine; however, the fine is waived if a parent proves a helmet was obtained.

This is for all of the counties in New York State. The only county in the Hudson Valley that requires all bicycle riders to wear helmets is Rockland County. The remaining counties in the Hudson Valley, strongly suggest that everyone wear a helmet when cycling.

I also purchased a bicycle during the pandemic. I have gone trail riding a few times, let me just say that I have fallen off this bike more than I care to share, each time I was wearing a helmet. I think that is the only thing that has kept me from a few trips to the emergency room.

No Helmet Needed To Check Out These 18 Unusual 'Must Sees' on An Upstate New York Road Trip

Sneak Peek: 'Legendary' Hudson Valley, New York Venue 'Beautifully Revived'

A "legendary" Hudson Valley "where America was born" has been "beautifully revived." Take a look. 

Are These The Dumbest Laws in New York State? You Decide!

These seven things are still considered "breaking the law" in the great state of New York.

These Weird NYS Laws Are Still on the Books, Some Cases a 100 Years Later

Law & Order SVU Star, Christopher Meloni's $5 Million Home On the Market


Scuba Diving To These Brilliant Shipwrecks In The St Lawrence River- Thousand Islands

Have you ever wanted to scuba dive shipwrecks in the St. Lawrence River? Here's a few to check out in the Thousand Islands of the New York and Canadian border.

Scuba divers allegedly call the 1000 Islands the “Caribbean of the North” due to all the amazing places to check out. The Saint Lawrence River has been the main shipping route between the Great Lakes and the Atlantic Ocean for centuries. That means you're able to see that history in the ships that line the bottom. According to South Eastern Ontario, divers can generally see 50 to 60 feet in front them most of the year, and 60 to 100 feet in the fall time. 

From wooden schooners to War of 1812 battleships to modern-day freighters, over 200 vessels met their fate here."

There are all sorts of local businesses and more that can help train you, or charter you, on these dives if you're interested. You can read more here.

Here's a list of some of the coolest dives to check out:

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