Libraries Are Open! What to Do Before You Go Inside?
Have you been thinking about reading more since the beginning of the pandemic? Have you wanted to do that, but the extra expense of getting books has just been too much? Maybe you used to trade books with a friend, but those in your circle aren't wanting to meet up or even stray to close from home?
What about your local library? If you have a library card, you can check out books in person, you can call and arrange a curbside pick-up (certain locations) or you can check out e-books. Yes, e-books.
Personally, I love borrowing the e-books, because I can download them to my Kindle, access them from the Kindle or the Kindle app on my phone or tablet. When I am finished reading them, I can just click one button and the book is returned. No need to head down to the library. If I want to extend the loan of the book, I can or if I just plain forget that I was reading a book, it will automatically return at the end of the borrowing period. If you haven't familiarized yourself with the e-book loan process, call your local library or stop in to your preferred branch so they can help you navigate the initial process.
If you haven't been into your local branch, double check their operating hours, grab your mask and head in. If you don't already have a library card, you will need a government issued ID, like a drivers license and a piece of mail to prove where you live.
Remember to social distance and be patient. Librarians are your friends and a valuable resource for all types of information.
If a traditional library is not your thing, remember to look for the Little Free Libraries that are throughout many towns in the Hudson Valley.