How Long Does it Take to Get Marriage Licenses in Middletown, NY?
So you finally met someone and you are head over heels in love, is the next step getting married? If it is, congratulations. The next thing you will need is to get a marriage license, right?
Seems like a natural progression, but with your "I Do's" will also need to come some "I patience." There seems to be a backlog of applications for things like new marriage licenses, so you are going to need to do a few things, then hurry up and wait.
So, you want to get married and you live in Middletown, NY?
For instance, in the City of Middletown, New York, it could take up to two weeks to get your marriage license, and then you can't even use it the day you get it. Seriously.
Here is the process that you will need to go through to get a marriage license in the City of Middletown, NY, pdf:
According to their website, the City of Middletown, requires you to gather all of the documents that they need you to have, and then email them. When you do that, you can expect a wait of about two weeks, potentially, before they respond to you. When they do respond, you'll be issued an appointment for you and your beloved to come into their office, where they will grant you the new marriage license.
So now that I have the marriage license, how long do we wait before getting married in New York State?
When you do have that piece of paper in your hands, you cannot just walk out of there and immediately walk into a chapel and pledge thy troth. You have to wait at least 23-hours before you can get married. Did you get the license in advance and then change your mind? Those marriage licenses are only good for 60-days in the State of New York, before you will need to pay and re-apply. Congratulations.