Looking closely at these two photos side by side it looks like this could be the same building, Right?

Did you ever see something on TV and think, "I know right where that is!" and then be way off? That is what happened to me when I started watching the CBS comedy Ghosts. The show is set in Ulster County and I thought I knew the building they were using for the mansion, but I guess I was mistaken. I hate being wrong.

If you don't know the show I am talking about, that might be because I may be the only person still watching network television. Actually, I don't really think that is true because if I was, there would be so many new shows on regular television. Ghosts on CBS got held up due to COVID be it made its debut this past fall.

I have always been one of those people who gives new TV shows a chance.  The premise of the show Ghosts is that a young couple from New York City has recently inherited a big old house which just happens to be full of the ghosts of the people who died on the property over the years. And when I say years, we are talking hundreds of years, they even cast a Viking ghost.

Ghosts on CBS is Set in Ulster County

I got into watching it cause I love a good ghost story and I love a good sitcom. Turns out, this is both but they sucked me in when I realized it was set in the Hudson Valley. Every episode has some mention of our area and its rich history.

This got me thinking about where they filmed the show. The mansion reminded me of this old build I drive by on 9W between Ulster Park and Esopus. I started wondering if they could have somehow filmed the show there. Could this glorious old estate be located in Ulster County, after all that's where the show is set? But nope It is not.

Mansion from the show Ghosts on CBS

House from Ghost on CBS via YouTube
House from Ghost on CBS via YouTube

Old Carriage House on 9W across from Marist Brothers

Google Maps
Google Maps

So where is the cast of Ghost film if not along Route 9W in Esopus? Turns out the show is filmed in Los Angels and Montreal. They had me fooled. We have so many movies and show filming in the Hudson Valley and the one that is set in the Hudson Valley is filmed in Canada, go figure.

Here are some Famous TV locations. Can you recognize any?

LOOK: TV Locations in Every State

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