What Should Go Into an Empty Laundromat in Poughkeepsie?
It's a great spot for a new business to go into to. Everyday when I'm driving into the station I seem to get stuck at the same stoplight in the morning. It's been happening for years now and when it happened I've noticed some of the same people waiting for the bus and businesses that have come and gone. There's one spot that seems like the perfect location for a businesses, but it's been empty for a while and the windows are all boarded up. There's a lot of lingering questions about it...
What has been in this abandoned laundromat in Poughkeepsie?
When I first started working at the radio station this building was opened and running, but it's been closed for a little bit now. The sign says NEW Neighborhood Laundromat and it's located on North Clinton Street in Poughkeepsie, NY. The building is right on the corner, in a busy spot and there are apartments near it so people can walk to it.
What else has been in the building?
The NEW Neighborhood Laundromat closed, but there has to be other businesses that were in the location before. The building does not look that old, but something else had to have been in there.
What should go into the building?
Some suggestions:
- another laundromat
- a hardware store
- small grocery store
- coffee shop
Do you know what businesses have been in this location before? What do you think should go into the building now? Share your answers with us on the station app.
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