Venomous Widow Spider Found in Hudson Valley Grocery Bag
Here is one tiny reason why you might have to start checking your paper grocery bags when you get home.
Almost everyone knows someone with a fear of spiders. Just under 20% of the population has a fear of spiders and I don't think this story is going to help those numbers.
New Yorkers are using more and more paper bags than ever and sometimes you might be carrying more than groceries in there. One Hudson Valley resident noticed a small hitchhiker in one of her bags.
Imagine opening your grocery bag to find a small but familiar-looking spider hiding inside. A resident from Windham, New York posted a video on social media that has gotten a lot of attention.
At first glance, the spider has a body shape that resembles a Black Widow. It's not uncommon for spiders to be hiding in grocery store produce. The spider was removed from the bag and put into a glass jar.
Is this spider dangerous?
According to some comments on Facebook, the arachnid in the photo is in the species of spider called a Steatoda. They're actually nicknamed "False Widow" spiders since they look almost identical to Black Widow spiders.
Are "False Widow" Spiders Dangerous?
According to Natural History Museum's website, despite their scary appearance, they are not deadly. There are reportedly less than 20 recorded bites. These spiders are capable of delivering a venomous bite though. The venom is not very potent to humans. The bite is supposed to feel similar to a wasp sting and the pain should dissipate within 24 hours.
How common are they? I don't have good news for people with arachnophobia. These spiders are quite common. They are often found outside in gardens and in colder months they are known to hide inside homes.
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