A new Target is catching the attention of everyone because of its unique feature.

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You could do a survey on things that bring people enjoyment and pretty high on the list would be Starbucks and Target. People love good coffee and nice places to go shopping are a high priority as well. The best of both worlds come together when both are in the same place and one Target in Yonkers will not only have that, but something else that's very special.

What special feature is coming to Yonkers, NY?

Getty Images/Canva
Getty Images/Canva

Af delicious cup of coffee is a great reward after a long, hard day of shopping. Sometimes after you've lugged all the bags to your car and placed them like a Jenga game, the last thing you want to do is get out of your car or walk back into the store. I've been in that position multiple times and you just want to sit and enjoy something sweet after a long day. Well, that will be easier soon...

A new Target will be opening up in Yonkers in the Cross County Center and the grand opening will be on Sunday, October 22nd (not that far away when you think about it). The Target will have a CVS Pharmacy and a "Drive-Up" Starbucks coffee shop. Starbucks will deliver drinks to cars after they park or people can get their drinks inside when they are ready to shop. OMG...that's one of the best ideas I've heard in a long, long time.

The new Target will be open Sunday-Monday from 8:00am-10:00pm and we wish everyone there the best of luck with their grand opening.

Here's a place that could use a good makeover, it's a once popular hotel that is rotting away:

What Remained of Brown's Hotel (COPY)

Take an eerie peak into what the former Brown's Hotel looked like a few years after the tragic fire.

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