New Paltz Restaurant Open 6 Months Has Changed its Name for Good Reason
On my forever hunt to find great places to eat I try to make sure I follow as many restaurants as I can on social media. I find it is a great way to keep up with what's happening with not just restaurants but other Hudson Valley businesses.
Earlier this week I was on the restaurant prowl when I came across a post on Facebook from a restaurant I haven't had a chance to get to yet but many people have and the reviews are in Rubirosa'a favor. However today they announced that they will be rebranding the restaurant which is located in the Tops Plaza in New Paltz, New York.
Restaurant in New Paltz Changes its Name after Opening
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The rebrand has nothing to do with changing the menu or the great stuff people claim they have come to love about the restaurant in the 6 months or so since it opened. The rebrand is about the name. They will now be Ruby Restaurant & Bar.
We've made this name change so that we can continue to build our own identity within the New Paltz community and surrounding areas. Shortly after our initial opening in November of 2022, we were made aware of another existing restaurant located in New York City by the same name and we didn't feel it was in anybody's best interests to continue to operate with this shared identity. (Ruby Restaurant & Bar via Facebook)

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