New Regulations for Trout Stream Fishing
The DEC has announced that they have finalized the new regulations for trout stream fishing for anglers across the state, less than one week away from the season's opening date. The new regulations take effect on April 1. How will this impact you?
These new streamlined rule changes will increase anglers' opportunities and will help improve the management of trout streams across the state. The new regulations that support the Trout Stream Management Plan. The plan's categories, objectives, and strategies go along with the DEC's continuing efforts to simplify regulations whenever possible to make fishing more accessible and enjoyable.
Making these rules or regulations will help eliminate more than 20 different types of special regulations associated with trout stream reaches, reducing 26 regulations down to four while maintaining a nice consistent level of protection.
The new regulations include:
- Daily creel limit of five trout per day with no more than two longer than 12 inches statewide and for reaches categorized as Wild or Stocked in effect from April 1 through Oct. 15
- Daily creel limit of three trout per day with no more than one longer than 12 inches for reaches designated as Wild-Quality or Stocked-Extended in effect from April 1 through Oct. 15
- Daily creel limit of one trout per day, any size, for reaches designated as Wild-Premier in effect from April 1 through October 15
- Creation of a statewide catch-and-release trout season in effect from Oct. 16 to March 31. During this period anglers are restricted to artificial lures only and must promptly release all trout caught
In addition to the new regulations, the DEC has launched an interactive Trout Stream Fishing Map, to take advantage of one-stop information regarding stocking, fishing access, season details, and regulations.