Albert Einstein, Galileo, Sir Isaac Newton... all of their combined genius pales in comparison to a local Hudson Valley man who has a new take on an act of common curtesy.

Society only functions well when we all agree to follow certain "obvious" rules. Not dropping trash on the ground, wearing clothes in public, even (nicely) letting someone know that their headlights aren't turned on can all make us happier and healthier. One clever man has added another item to the list.


The New Mosquito Etiquette Rule for New York State

"Dumping out standing water in your yard to prevent mosquitos should be the new returning your shopping cart. It's a standard of decent people in society." It was the Facebook post I never knew I needed. While I have always made it a habit to look for any standing water that had accumulated on my property, I just thought I was doing it for me, not for "we". But the distinction is important.

NY State Department of Health
NY State Department of Health

The Deadliest Animal in New York

Technically, mosquitos are the most deadly animal on the planet, and while most deaths are attributed to mosquitos carrying diseases that are rare in the United States, even disease-free bugs are an absolute nuisance. Sure it makes sense to keep mosquito breeding grounds like standing water at a minimum for your own peace of mind, but this Facebook post reminds us of what we can achieve when we work together.

SEE ALSO: New York Counties Most at Risk for Fatal Mosquito-Borne Disease

I know I'm beginning to tread into "let's all hold hands and sing Kumbaya" territory, but it's impossible to overestimate the power of teamwork. Sure, you may do your best to keep the mosquito population to a minimum, but imagine if everybody in the Hudson Valley did too... The idea of an itch-free summer might not just be a daydream. Check out more tips below.

9 Plants That Naturally Repel Mosquitos

Got a green thumb? Here are 9 plants to consider for your garden that naturally repel mosquitos.

Tips for Lowering Your Risk of Mosquito Bites

Mosquitoes are the deadliest creature in the world. The Ada County Mosquito Abatement District offers these tips to protect yourself.

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