All New Yorker’s Must Know 5 Things About Your Bed and Your Sleep
March is the month for sleep awareness, ironic because March is the month that makes us loose an hour of sleep and the month that COVID precautions started to shut the universe down. So with the time change, and still trying to figure out how to catch up on sleep, what do you do?
What simple things can we all do to attempt to help us get a great nights sleep?
Here are 5 things that will help us all get a better night sleep:
The health of your bedroom really does affect the health of your sleep. When was the last time you washed and changed your sheets? Your pillowcases? How clean is your room? Vacuuming, and dusting, along with a floor full of clothes, won't help you get a good night's sleep.
What is the best temperature for you to sleep at?
While the best temperature for you to sleep at will vary from person to person, a few degrees cooler than the rest of the house is actually better to send your body off into la, la, land.
Do you need to sleep in complete and utter quiet? Or should you learn to sleep in noise?
Complete quiet can sometimes be louder than simple background noise. If you have trouble sleeping, like I do, have you tried a white noise machine? Listening to a pre-recorded meditation? A boring book on audio? What is the 'thing' that tells your brain that it is time to go to sleep?
How dark is your bedroom?
Maybe it is a light source that is keeping you from sleeping? Is there a street lamp that is always shining through your window? Maybe you can't get your alarm clock to a less-bright setting? I have switched to black-out curtains and even using one of those face mask things to help block out all of the light, for me, these two things have helped greatly.
Lastly, maybe it is your bed that is keeping you from sleeping?
When was the last time you got a new bed? Even the sleep experts recommend getting a new mattress every 8 years. There is new versions of bed and sleep tech that is coming out practically every day, maybe that could help? Best of luck to you! I feel your sleep agony.