Last summer, it seems that there were a few bugs that people were concerned about. It's always interesting how residents explain which bugs they will tolerate and other ones that they won't.

For the longest time, Hudson Valley residents were annoyed with stink bugs. The other day, I had one flying around my room and I had no idea where it was planning to land.


However, they are supposedly good for managing moths, beetles and more. It's said that they are not harmful, in fact they will not bite you or your pets.

I can truly say that ladybugs are probably the only bugs I will admit that I like, along with butterflies. However, this new insect may be something that you might want to keep an eye out for.

This "invasive" pest is landing again in the Hudson Valley.

From beetles to worms and more, residents can now add a new insect to their list of what to be on the lookout for.

The Department of Environmental Conservation has verified that this "invasive" pest really explains its name,

They would like residents to keep an eye out and make reports if they happen to see it.

Have you ever heard of a Spotted Lanternfly?


From pictures, this insect looks pretty and inviting, however that's not always the case.

This "invasive pest" also known as a Spotted Lanternfly is from Asia. They like to eat trees, plants, fruits, nuts and more. Spotted Lanternflies may possibly have an impact on mother nature's essentials, forests throughout New York and farmer's crops and land.

This insect was discovered in 2014 in Pennsylvania. Spotted Lanternflies have been spotted in New York, New Jersey, Virginia and Maryland.

Thankful I can say that I cannot recall seeing a spotted lanternfly.

For the most part, they are black with a variety of white spots on them. They are typically spotted from around April until July. Spotted Lanternflies will turn red while transitioning into their adult phase and those can be seen from July until anytime in September.

How are these insects affecting New York State and its surrounding environments?

Spotted Lanternflies typically feed on the sap on trees and plants. They can produce something referred to as "honeydew" which has an effect on the growth of plants and other growing properties.

Farmers are concerned that these pests may interfere with their apples and other fruits.

How do Spotted Lanternflies spread throughout New York?

Shockingly, this insect can jump and fly (ew). Spotted lanternflies lay their eggs just about anywhere which can then be transported to areas where they don't exist yet.

DEC is working with the Department of Agriculture and Markets (AGM) and the US Department of Agriculture (USDA) to address SLF. Since it is less expensive and easier to deal with a pest before it becomes widespread, the goal is to find and treat SLF infestations early.

The DEC has been working with AGM, Department of Agriculture and Markets and USDA, the US Department of Agriculture. With efforts, they hope to address these "invasive pests' '.

The main goal is to detect the areas where spotted lanternflies are and try to prevent the spread of them in New York.

What can you do to help with the spread of Spotted Lanternflies?

First off, do your research. You can learn about them and how to detect if you see one. It's important to stay aware and check out any woodpiles you may have outdoors, vehicles and other things outside. 

Lastly, the DEC states that residents can "Destroy egg masses by scraping them into a bucket of hot, soapy water or a baggie/jar of hand sanitizer."

Residents can also take a picture of what they believe to be a spotted lanternfly or any infestation concerns. These can be sent here.

Be sure to include the address of where it was spotted.

Have you ever spotted this specific lanternfly before? What would you do if you saw one? Share with us below.

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