Invasive Worm Species Waking up in the Hudson Valley
Here in the Hudson Valley, there's that distinct smell in the air after it rains.
Some say that it's the wet grass while others comment on the smell of little critters as they slither across driveways and sideways. They may also have made their home in your garden.
Have you ever experienced the "worm smell"?
Whether you have experienced this or not, you may notice it the next time that it rains. I personally have smelled "worms" after it rains.
However, this may be the "growing up in the Hudson Valley" inside of me. Those who go fishing or have gone in the past may also know what I'm talking about.
It seems that worms tend to gross most people out. I try to dodge them in the driveway or walking, when possible.
There is one worm in particular that is coming to a garden near you, in fact it may jump into your yard.
What are Asian jumping worms?
Known as "crazy worms", residents from lower Hudson Valley up to Canada have spotted these worms. It's possible for them to live on top of soil for the most part. However, they have also been spotted in Texas, Louisiana, Arizona and more places.
To some people, they look like an ordinary worm. However, when bothered they can move in a motion that almost looks as if they are jumping, moving upwards.
Asian jumping worms only live for about a year.
Why are these worms considered invasive?
Asian jumping worms can change the structure of soil and invade any type of garden.
For some people, this may be something out of a nightmare.
These worms can produce without a mate which means that just one of these worms can start an entire group.
How can you tell it's an Asian jumping worm?
The Asian jumping worm may have a white band that is around the top of their body, close to their head.
Asian jumping worms are native to Korea and Japan. It's possible that they came around 100 years ago. There are three species of this type of worm in New York. Depending on location, they can range in size of anywhere from 1 inch to 8 inches.
Asian jumping worms have made it to the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation of the invasive species prohibited list.
Those who fish should not use this worm for any type of purpose.
In fact, it's illegal to purchase them or fishing bait. Next time that you head out for your fishing trip, double check to make sure your bait is not an Asian jumping worm.
I think that they're cute and look like they're dancing.
Have you ever seen an Asian jumping worm? What would be your reaction if you saw one? Share with us below.