Which 5 Bridges Want Hudson Valley Commuters to Pay More May 1?
When was the last time you crossed one of the 5 New York State Bridge Authority Bridges? Having trouble recalling which 5 bridges we're talking about? Is it something that you do on a daily basis or just occasionally.
If you haven't been across one of those bridges, you might not know that all 5 are now observing cash free tolling. The first time you cross one of the bridges after all of the toll structures might just feel completely odd to you.
Which Bridges are a part of the New York State Bridge Authority (NYSBA)?
The five bridges that make up the New York State Bridge Authority are as follows:
- The Mid-Hudson Bridge
- The Kingston-Rhinecliff Bridge
- The Rip-Van Winkle Bridge
- The Bear Mountain Bridge
- The Newburgh-Beacon Bridge
When will it cost more to go across one of the New York State Bridge Authority Bridges?
The toll increase will start on May 1, 2022. If you use e-Zpass, you might not even notice the extra money being charged, because it will just charge you the correct rate (which is discounted) for e-Zpass use.
Wait, there is a e-Zpass rate and a Tolls-By-Mail Rate?
Yes, there is. There are multiple different charges and they all depend on the type of car or vehicle you drive across the bridge. For more information on the types of bridge plans or e-Zpass plans that are available, including the coveted "green e-zpass" and how to get it, click here.
So how much more is it going to cost to go across one of these bridges on May 1?
You will be paying $1.55 instead of $1.45 if you have e-zPass, and then if you don't have the pass, you will pay $2.00 instead of the current, $1.75. These are the increases for a regular passenger car or truck. The commuter plan will increase to $1.30 a trip, from its current $1.20.
Is this the last bridge toll increase for a little while?
Believe it or not, there will be another increase as this whole thing has been a part of the 4-year plan. The next increase (after this one) will take place on May 1, 2023.
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