The Best Older Movies on Netflix Right Now
Netflix first launched its streaming operation in late 2007. In the service’s infancy, the selection wasn’t huge, but for a while, the options were varied and exciting. In those days before Netflix proved just how valuable streaming rights could be, they could acquire and offer films from nearly all the major studios.
These days, the Hollywood studios aren’t just Netflix’s suppliers, they’re its main competitors. Most have their own streaming services like Disney+, Paramount+, and HBO Max, and they funnel their library titles to their own websites. As a result, Netflix’s library of older studio films has contracted even as the company has ramped up production of its own movies.
Still, sprinkled amidst Netflix’s hundreds of original titles, you can find some older films that are worth seeking out. For the purposes of this list, we’re calling anything made before the year 2000 an “older film.” Something made at least 22 years old feels pretty old to us.
The options include war films, romantic comedies, science-fiction thrillers, indie dramas, horror films, and even a Western or two. Below, we’ve picked ten of the best older titles streaming right now. They’re all available on Netflix, at least as of this writing.
The Best Older Movies on Netflix Right Now

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