Why You Won’t Notice the Days Getting Shorter in New York
It is official, Summer 2022 has arrived and I don't know about you but I am looking forward to all the fun in store for the next few months. So many activities are returning to the calendar. Running out of weekends to do it all could be a real thing but the one thing that won't happen is running out of daylight.
You may hear a lot of people talking about how the first day of Summer is the Summer Solstice and the longest day of the year. You may also hear them saying things about how the day will start getting shorter. These negatively focused people are not wrong, they are just factual. The amount of daylight each day will start to decline this Wednesday (June 22, 2022) for those of us in the Northern Hemisphere.
How Fast do the Summer Days Start Getting Shorter in New York?
Now that we have cleared that up, let's look at it from the perspective of us "glass half full" folks. This is where we note that this is a very gradual process. It may take weeks before you actually notice. I found an actual chart published online by a group named Time and Date. According to their chart, we are going to lose roughly a minute a day here in New York until the big swing in the fall with the time change.
According to Time and Date's online chart, sunrise goes from 5:25 AM on June 21st back to 5:28 AM on June 30th and Sunset doesn't really fluctuate at all. So basically if you don't get up with the sun to notice that it is showing up 3 minutes later and you are a night owl like me, it could take until August before you really know the difference.
So before you start hoping that your favorite summer sport is going to shift their twilight rates (something that golf courses do throughout the season), realize that the long-awaited Summer 2022 has just arrived and twilight shifting will still be a few months off. We don't Fall back until November 6th, 2022.