Over the years, I've tried to grow many things, and most of the time it doesn't work out. There is the rare occurrence that I might get something to actually grow, but are there certain items that are easier to grow here in the Hudson Valley?

I never have luck with my gardens. Over the past few years, I have only been able to grow corn and green peppers. Weird right? It seems that my problem might be when I actually get the plants in the ground outside. I feel like the plants are going to do well then when I transfer them, they never seem to take. The corn I grew, now that I think about it grew by accident, so technically I had very little to do with it.

Each year, I try different things to grow, and I always keep my fingers crossed for the best results, but I know what is going to happen. This year, I started thinking that maybe there are certain things that might be easier to grow in this particular area.

The biggest problem I have is the groundhogs. They have ruined a lot of my plants that looked they had promise. But I want to hear from my Hudson Valley residents with a green thumb. What are the easiest things to grow here in the Hudson Valley? There have to be certain items that are fool-proof, or maybe groundhog-proof.

Should I use fertilizer? Is there certain soil that is better than others? There seem to be a lot of things to know when planting a garden. I did notice that the pests in my yard ignored the corn and green peppers which helped them to actually grow. Leave your thoughts and comments below.

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