Unique Groundhog Day Tradition Predicts Early Spring For Region
Punxsutawney Phil and Staten Island Chuck disagree about how long winter will last. So maybe a tiebreaker is this unique tradition featuring a chicken from the Hudson Valley.

On Tuesday, Punxsutawney Phil emerged from his home in Gobbler's Knob in Punxsutawney, Pennsylvania and the groundhog spotted his shadow. As tradition goes, that mean's there will be six more weeks of winter.
However, New York's own groundhog, Staten Island Chuck, did not see his shadow which as legend has it means an early spring. Staten Island Chuck calls the Staten Island Zoo home.
Muscoot Farm in Westchester County doesn't have a groundhog so the Katonah farm uses a "weather-predicting chicken." Cluxatawney Henrietta predicts whether there will be an early spring based on whether she lays an egg.
Tuesday marked the third year Muscoot Farm has used Cluxatawney Henrietta to predict the future weather on Groundhog Day.
In a video posted to Facebook, which you can see below, Jonathan Benjamin lifted Cluxtawney Henrietta out of her cage and revealed the chicken did in fact lay an egg, signaling an early spring.
So who is right? Is it Phil, Chuck, or Henrietta? Only time will tell. Hudson Valley residents hoping for early spring are happy two New York-based weather-predictors predict an early spring. However, winter fans can point to the original Groundhog Day predictor, Punxsutawney Phil, and claim we have six more weeks of winter.
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