1 of Ulster Counties Small Town Post Offices has been Relocated Due to Sale
So my first question is do you still go to the post office? May people do. I do for stamps and to mail packages. I have friends who insist that you can do it all from home, but why? I am sure my mail delivery person is happy I don't leave things planted under the mail box for pickup.
In recent years it has gotten harder to find a post office in some parts of the Hudson Valley, however I have discovered that the post offices I frequent are actually pretty busy. The post office in New Paltz always has a line and if I run be the Highland post office there are always people coming in and out while I am buying my stamps and mailing a box or tow.
I love when I drive buy small town post offices. There is one right on 9W in Ulster Park that looks so cute and is always busy. If you turn into downtown Esopus you will find a post office located right on Main Street that still looks very official. These post offices like other small town postal locations rely on local folks to frequent them. They also offer post office boxes for folks who prefer that their mail doesn't sit in a box alongside the road.
In the case of the Port Ewen post office they actually needed a new building because there original post office is for sale. So it has been relocated and the new location officially opens this weekend (Aug 28, 2021). The new post office for Port Ewen is at 194 Broadway. According to a Town of Esopus Facebook post the new post office will be ready for business stating tomorrow at 9AM and that includes a 24 /7 lobby so people can access their post office boxes during non business hours.
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