Ulster County Organization to Host Virtual Auction
There are times where I am super grateful that we are living in the digital age. Over the past 10 years, things have grown and communicating has gotten so much easier thanks for our phones and social media.
Over the past year, businesses and companies worked quickly to make it accessible to have things online. Some folks are now happy to get out and about while others enjoy having access to the world on their phone or laptop from the convenience of their home.
Did we ever think we would see the day that we would have a live auction, online? The day as arrived here in 2021. The Boys & Girls Club of Ulster County have made it possible.
This organization out of Saugerties will have a live auction on Thursday, May 20th at 5pm through Friday, May 21st at 8:30pm. There will be over 100 items that were donated and then will be auctioned off. There will be things for everyone such as vacations, jewelry, sports, and home improve items and more. This event is accepting credit cards only and is available for individuals of 18years of age and older.
If you would like to register, you can do so here.
To view the items up for auction, visit the link here.
You can also make a monetary donation here and check out the local sponsors.
I have my eye on the beauty basket, Diamond Mills stay and gym membership.
Will you be attending this virtual event, if so, what items would you like to win? Share with us below. Happy shopping!