Think that your apartment (or home) is safe? You might want to stop and think about this one. New research was released this week from, that found renters are 85% more likely to be burglarized than owners.

Here are a few tips that came up with to help you try to prevent a burglary at your place:

Does your Apartment have "Weak" spots?
Check around, you probably will notice that you have some weak spots or vulnerable areas during the day or at night.  Ask your landlord id you can install a motion sensor near in-window air conditioning units, fire escapes, and dark entryways. All of these spots are what burglars look for as 'vulnerable' areas.

  • Lock your windows and doors. This might seem like a no-brainer, but lock your doors. This goes also for the sliding glass doors, if you have one, and your windows. If a lock looks a bit sketchy, have a conversation with your landlord. See if they can or will fix it.
  • Set up a video monitory system that will also let you monitor your home remotely.
    What once might have seemed to be a bit extreme a few years ago, really is becoming the norm. If you look around there are many video surveillance systems, and many of them can even alert you via your cell phone or an app, that there is someone ringing your door bell, leaving a package on your porch (or taking one) or entering your home. As a renter you will want something that is economical, but that you can also take with you when you move.
  • Remember that you can do small inexpensive things, like locking your doors. home security doesn't have to be expensive; but being aware of what could potentially happen is huge. The alleged statistic is that 83% of burglars will be looking for an alarm, and 60% of them will be deterred by a security system, even if it is a fake one.

Have you done any of the above things to try and keep your home more secure? Do you have a suggestion that isn't listed above that you would like to share?

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