5 Things Hudson Valley, NY Geese Want You to Do for Them
If you live in the Hudson Valley there is a really good chance that you see Canadian Geese every single day. So what do you need to do for these birds? Are these geese protected in anyway? Can you shoot them?
Is there any way you can keep them out of your yard? Anyway to keep them pooping on your grass or on your driveway? While you might only see these geese for part of the year, what do you need to know about them?
What do the geese living in the Hudson Valley, want you to know?
First off you should know that these geese can live, happily, to be at least 20-years old, and they mate for life. If one of the two pass away, the remaining geese will attempt to find new love and mate with the new bird.
Is it possible to hunt Canadian Geese in the Hudson Valley?
While the Geese themselves probably don't want you to do it, you can shoot them during the hunting season. Hunting season for Canadian Geese in the Hudson Valley, is September 1-25, where you can take 15 geese per day. Then again in November 6-19, where you can take 1 goose per day and December 4-19, where you can take 1 goose per day. A duck stamp (for goose hunting) will cost you $25.
What are somethings that geese do not like when you do?
Geese do not like it when the cannot land easily. They would love it if you would keep your grass short. If you have water on your property, they really don't like it when you have wires or cables going across the water. This keeps the geese from being able to land and take off safely.
What would these Canadian Geese love to see in your yard?
They would love to see anything that could act as a food source, like a bird feeder or cracked corn just being tossed out onto your lawn. If you feed them, they will come, reproduce, eat and poop. Just keep that in mind when you 'invite them over.'