This is a quickie post. I won't keep you long.

I was researching the Super Blue Moon that's happening next week on Wednesday, August 30 (2023). You can read what the moon means and how to prepare in part 2 that's coming up.


Anyway, whilst doing said research, I thought I discovered the origins of the term "once in a blue moon". I had a false Ureka moment et all.  But before I got excited about this discovery somebody definitely already had, I did my due diligence.


Who am I kidding? I Googled origins of "once in a blue moon" and stumbled upon an article by Sky & Telescope (The Essential Guide to Astronomy) that lays out some really interesting astronomy about blue moons. My thoughts were that the term blue moon come from the idea that the second full moon of the same month is called a blue moon-- and because they don't happen that often, they are considered rare. And because they are considered rare, the term "once in a blue moon" was born.  But according to Sky & Telescope, this isn't true.  You could literally hear the wah wah wah wah in the background as I continued to read. 


In all, the article highlights the 4 origins/meanings of the phrase "once in a blue moon"--which you can read at your leisure. But the gist is this, there are actual historical examples of the moon actually "turning" blue or appearing to be blue in the sky.


When the Indonesian volcano Krakatoa exploded in 1883, its dust turned sunsets green and the Moon blue all around the world for the best part of two years. In 1927, the Indian monsoons were late arriving and the extra-long dry season blew up enough dust for a blue Moon. And Moons in northeastern North America turned blue in 1951 when huge forest fires in western Canada threw smoke particles up into the sky.

So, by the mid-19th century, it was clear that visibly blue Moons, though rare, did happen from time to time — whence the phrase "once in a blue Moon." It meant then exactly what it means today, a fairly infrequent event, not quite regular enough to pinpoint.

So now you know. Blue Moons are real. They are rare. And they really and truly only happen once in a blue moon.


2023 Calendar of Full Moons, Supermoons, and Eclipses Over New Jersey

The Farmer's Almanac has laid out all 13 full moons for the new year, and it looks like New Jersey has four Super Moons, and a partial Lunar Eclipse in our future.

Catch 13 Full Moons in 2023. Here's the Schedule...

2023 is the year of 13 Full Moons! That has to mean something special right?

Do NOT Miss These 11 Little Known Upstate New York Museums

This is a list of eleven museums scattered all across Upstate New York that are definitely worth a visit from you. Most are small and little-known. The Eastman House and Museum in Rochester is the most well-known. But did you know the dark secret the households? Read on.

The smaller ones tell a gripping story of a growing America. Most are little known as well. Why a pioneer oil museum in Western New York? And what is it with the knife museum, too? And you will love the story about the oddly named Drain Tile Museum in Geneva. But don't pooh-pooh those lowly drain tiles. Read on and find out why using them to help grow foods was called by Cornell University, "the greatest agricultural innovation of its time.'

And finally, be sure and check out museum #10. It is little known and in a remote location. But it tells a story of American history that took place in Upstate New York that few have ever heard of. Once you visit this museum, however, you are likely never to forget it.

Small museums with great big stories. And all in Upstate New York!

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