The 2020 Bike For Cancer Care Will Be Held Online
There is yet another great event that will be taking place online this year. The 17th Annual Rosemary Gruner Bike for Cancer Care, which is usually held on a weekend in September, will still be held, but instead of outside it is being held online.
The charity helps to raise funds to assist people being treated for cancer with expenses the insurance companies often don't. For instance, wigs, natural nutrition supplements, gas cards to help pay to get to and from treatment, etc.
You can participate many ways this year. You can sign up to ride and then seek donations as an individual or team. You can sponsor mile markers or larger partnership donations.
The whole list of ways you can participate is available here. If you find yourself surrounded by bicyclists on Sunday, September 27, 2020 in the Kingston area, cheer them on! Remember, just because the event has changed a little this year, does not mean that the needs for the funds that they raise with this event has not.