
Xmas Travel Include NY Thruway? Make Plans Many Rest Areas Closed
Xmas Travel Include NY Thruway? Make Plans Many Rest Areas Closed
Xmas Travel Include NY Thruway? Make Plans Many Rest Areas Closed
If you have traveled the New York State Thruway at all, you know that there are many rest areas closed. A lot of them only have gas available and no restrooms. If you are traveling during the Christmas holiday with children, it's only going to get more difficult. These Thruway rest area renovations will go well into 2023.
Operation Hardhat – Obey Work Zone Safety or Pay Up
Operation Hardhat – Obey Work Zone Safety or Pay Up
Operation Hardhat – Obey Work Zone Safety or Pay Up
It is officially construction season and with more people heading out on the roadways, it's important to reinforce the safety of those working on our highways and streets across the state. New York State Police have launched Operation Hardhat.
Farmers Wanted at NY Thruway Rest Stops
Farmers Wanted at NY Thruway Rest Stops
Farmers Wanted at NY Thruway Rest Stops
We always love stopping at the rest areas on the New York State Thruway because throughout the spring and summer we pick up local and delicious fresh farm foods. The New York Thruway Authority is looking for local farmers to showcase and sell their products at rest areas throughout the state.