Enormous Lottery Win at This Hudson Valley Gas StationEnormous Lottery Win at This Hudson Valley Gas StationIf you play the lottery make sure to check your tickets!!CJ McIntyreCJ McIntyre
Second Time in a Week! Orange County has Big Lottery WinnerSecond Time in a Week! Orange County has Big Lottery WinnerOrange County is quickly becoming the luckiest county in the Hudson Valley!CJ McIntyreCJ McIntyre
Lost Your Winning New York State Lottery Ticket? What to Do Next?Lost Your Winning New York State Lottery Ticket? What to Do Next?Lost your lottery ticket and you know it's a winner? Do you have a shot at getting your winnings? Or are you stuck? BrandiBrandi
8 Things Not to Buy and Why If You Win A Billion Bucks8 Things Not to Buy and Why If You Win A Billion BucksIf you actually won a billion bucks have your really thought about what you would buy with the cash? Your answers might surprise you.Paty QuynPaty Quyn