Study: New York Still a Decent Place to Live, But Struggles in Some Areas
We love New York, right? You may hear of residents moving out of the state every year for greener pastures, but a recent study ranks the Empire State as a pretty good location to live in overall. But, there are some categories that New York ranked near the bottom of the nation in. Want to guess which ones? How can we improve?
A website called TOP Agency compiled a list of all the states and ranked them on eight key dimensions: Affordability, Crime & Safety, Economy, Education, Healthcare, Infrastructure, Opportunity, and Quality of Life. Where is New York? Overall, we ranked as the 19th best state to live in. We were 6th best for Healthcare and 8th best for Crime & Safety.
As we watch the news every night, the fact that New York ranked so well in crime and safety may surprise some. TOP Agency boke down that category into such metrics as; motor vehicle theft and damage, hate crimes, burglary, homicide, property crime, robbery rate, fraud and identity theft, mass shooting casualties, sex offenders, fatal motor vehicle crashes, and fire fatalities. The rates from each metric were broken down per 100K people from the year 2020. So, consider the state's overall population, and the fact that a lot of the higher violent crimes are committed in New York City.
Where We Need Improvement
New York ranked 47th overall for Affordability and 44th for Economy.
How Are We Compared to Our Neighbors?
While 19 out of 50 isn't bad, we fell behind compared to some of the other states surrounding us. Vermont was 2nd overall, Massachusetts was 5th, New Jersey 7th, and Pennsylvania 13th.
Louisiana ranked dead last overall at 50th, Mississippi 49th, and maybe surprisingly California at 48th.
Residents are Still Leaving New York though
We know, people are continuing to leave New York. Everything from poor job growth outside of New York City, to high taxes, to the cold winters have been blamed in the past. But now add a global pandemic and it appears that even more residents are fleeing. New York was especially hit hard by COVID-19 in the early months of 2020, and it looks like it's taken its toll.
According to numbers released by the US Census Bureau Monday, the Empire State lost 319,020 people from July 2020 to July 2021. That's quite a significant number that outnumbers the combined population drop in New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Massachusetts, Illinois, Louisiana, the District of Columbia, Michigan, and Ohio. That's big.
That's quite a jump since even just last year. Estimates from the Census Bureau say 126,355 residents left New York between July 2019 and July 2020. Spectrum News says that New York will lose a congressional seat in 2022 in the House of Representatives. New York's population has been steadily dropping since 2010. According to the numbers from the Empire Center for Public Policy, the state has lost 1,379,210 residents between 2010 and 2019, and that's not even factoring in the latest numbers. One can only imagine what those numbers will look like in a few more years.