Qigong: Why it’s Viral and Where to Sign up in the Hudson Valley
It's always fun to learn about something new, especially when it can improve your mental and physical health.
A few years back, I had the opportunity to experience a qigong class and it changed my life. The teacher who is a well-known healer of Outer Limits Qigong, brought together a room full of strangers to do one thing, feel good.
Who can do Qigong?
Qigong is something for everyone, of all ages.
During a class, we came together to experience how powerful we truly are by using different energy tools to move energy around in our bodies. We also did group exercises where we could use our own energy to help someone feel better. This goes without saying, humans can be really powerful.
After my first class, I was hooked.
From there on out, I kept up on the practice and now use it on a day-to-day basis. At times, I find myself organically doing it at the gym when a muscle or area in my body is tight. Qigong taught me that I can move energy around throughout my body and how powerful I am.
What is Qigong?
First off, this is how you pronounce it, (chee-gong). I know for the first couple of months, I couldn't figure it out.
Known as a mind, body, and spirit practice or exercise, qigong is a few things all in one. It's a balance between movement, breathing, and meditation. This ancient Chinese system of exercise is meant to improve your well-being by using what you already have inside you. This is done in a gentle and controlled form. Qi is known as being, life force while gong is referred to as work.
Qigong naturally heals the body, balances, and raises consciousness.
Here's where you can try Qigong in the Hudson Valley.
Outer Limits Qigong
Yoga on the Wallkill, Montgomery NY 12549
March 27, 2022 1-3pm
The Outer Limits System of Healing will be leading a Qigong class on the beautiful Wallkill River. Tim is certified in Spring Forest Qigong, different reiki courses, and internal energy arts. He takes pride in helping and healing others, he specializes in one-on-one care during sessions.
After qigong, the session will end with a meditation for a relaxing class. Sessions are only $30 but space is limited, be sure to sign up below.
Learn more about Tim and his other classes here.
Learn more about the event here.
Qigong with Paul Bloom
Zoom with The Woodstock Library
March 16, 2022 6pm-7:30 pm
Presented by The Woodstock Library, classes are being led by Paul Bloom. This session will ensure clarity of the mind, calmness, and balance.
Be sure to sign up with Paul via email, paulbloomck@gmail.com
Find out more here.
Hudson Valley Mindful Tai Chi and Qigong
18 Holland Lane, New Paltz, NY12561
Instructor David has had a passion for bringing Qigong into the lives of others for over 30 years. He completed his Integral Insitute of Qigong and Tai Chi 200 hour teacher program. David enjoys sharing his love for health with others and helping those in need of his efforts.
Take a look at the class schedule here.
Learn more about David here.
Ready to see some viral Qigong videos?
I saw a few viral videos on Tiktok and had to share some of my favorites. I thought it was neat that this positive and uplifting exercise is being shown on a platform for billions of people to benefit from.
Click here to see one of the viral videos that you can try.
Check out the other viral video with a different instructor by clicking here.
Have you ever heard of Qigong before? Would you try it? Share with us below.