It's that glorious time of the year when these orange beauties will be sticking up from the ground. Did you know that you can report big potholes?

What area has the worst potholes? Send us your photos.

A couple of months ago our Governor declared war on potholes.

I'm not sure if we're winning that battle yet but I think we're still early in the fight.

I don't think we can avoid potholes. The elements like rain, snow, and ice are just too hard on our roadways. New Yorkers will just have to adjust to having a fifth season, the dreaded pothole season.

The potholes are so bad they have become a punch line to a running joke that we hear every year. Sometimes while a massive pothole is waiting to be fixed, construction crew members will flag it by putting a large orange cone inside of it. This sight is often referenced as the unofficial state flower.

This bad boy was spotted on a side road off of 9D in Beacon, New York. If you see a huge pothole and it is hazardous you can actually report it.

How do you report a pothole?

According to the Department of Transportation, you can report a bad pothole by calling 800.POTHOLE or 800.768.4653.

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