The 5 Ultimate Places to Go Rockhounding in the Hudson Valley
Are you clicking on this article because you are like "What in the heck is rockhounding?" Maybe not, maybe you are a world class aficionado when it comes to this hobby, pastime, can we call it a sport?
So for the rest of the world that doesn't know, what is rockhounding? As defined by, here is the actual definition:
Rockhounding is the activity of hunting for minerals, rocks, crystals, and gemstones.
So where can you go in the Hudson Valley to go rockhounding?
Doing my research for this article, I found out that not only does New York State have its own gem, Garnet, but they also have a State Mineral, the Herkimer diamond, and a State Mineral, the Eurypterus Remipe.
So where do people go rockhouding (rock hunting) in the Hudson Valley, NY? Are there places here? Or do we need to travel?
Apparently there are a lot of places to be able to search for Garnets in the Adirondacks, but the best way to go about searching or rockhounding in any part of the state is to connect with another group of hunters. Here are a few that are super helpful:
- Mid-Hudson Valley Gem & Mineral Society, Inc.
- New York Rock Pups, which is a kids organization.
- Rockhound Resourse
Are you a rockhounder? Care to share a spot with us so we can include it? Thanks and best of luck on your adventures!
If you ever decide to change gears and climb rocks instead of hunt for them, here's what you need to know: