Have You Ever Had a Crazy Pancake Like This Before in NY?
I've tried a lot of sweet things in my life, but never something like this.
OMG I can't stop talking about how good this was and how I need to go back for more. So, a few days ago I went and had an amazing brunch with some girlfriends in Mahopac. To be honest, I wasn't that concerned with the food I just wanted to get my hands on a big mimosa. The mimosa was fabulous and so was the amazing dish I ordered, you have to see it.
Cannoli Pancakes in Mahopac:
Take a good look at this photo...
I swear the photo does not even do the dish justice.
I ordered Cannoli pancakes, but the official name of the dish was 'Cannoli Heaven'. Everything about it was heavenly, there were 3 pancakes on the dish that had a layer of cannoli cream between them and it was topped with chocolate chips, powered sugar and homemade whipped cream. Is your mouth watering yet?
The place I went to for this amazing dish was called The Brunch House and it's located on 55 Secor Road in Mahopac, New York. I'm already counting down the days until I can go back again and I might need to get an extra order to go.
Have you ever had cannoli pancakes before? Do you know more places around the Hudson Valley that serve cannoli pancakes? Share your answers with us on the station app.
How about we talk about something else? This is a crazy place that's abandoned in Sullivan County: