Man in New York Filmed Racing Down Major Road On One-Wheel Skateboard
This is going to leave quite a mess if he ends up crashing. But, we supposed it's just another wild day in New York. A week after the NYPD said they'd start cracking down e-scooters and other electric vehicles in an effort to make the streets safer, you have this guy come along. If you watch the video at Newsflare, it looks like he's having the time of his life.
See the video HERE.
The Post says the man was seen speeding down the FDR Drive on a one wheel electric skateboard. When he realizes he's being watched, he simply stands up on the scooter and waves at his captive audience. Well, at least he's wearing his helmet, and his knee and elbow pads? Don't want to be unsafe when you ride,
Least his day was going better than this guy. This man is lucky to be alive after a sidewalk grate exploded as he was walking by in late July. A man named Barry West was going to pay his cellphone bill when the blast happened on Farmers Boulevard in the afternoon hours. Reports say while West was indeed injured, he is expected to be okay. Scary stuff.
Then you've got weed falling from the sky. That was the case in early June, as News 12 says an alleged drug deal gone bad as a potential buyer turned on the would-be seller and then pulled a gun. Then, the victim was allegedly physically attacked, as the suspects grabbed the big bag full of weed and threw it over the nearby rooftop onto the sidewalk in Sunset Park. Surveillance footage shows the trash bag full of weed falling to the area near the street below, with the crop scattering in every direction upon impact. No sooner did it land, three men can be seen gathering parts of the stash, and quickly running off with it like it was Christmas morning.
Yes, once again, just another day in New York.