Police Remind Public As Moose Spotted in Residential Area in New York State
Police are once again urging the public to use their heads when it comes to encountering wildlife. Hopefully, this will not fall on deaf ears.
Moose are the largest land animal in New York state. The New York Department of Environment Conservation estimates that there are roughly 600 to 700 moose in the Adirondacks, though they can occasionally roam south into the areas like the Hudson Valley.
Biologists say that moose usually feed on the leaves, twigs, and buds of hardwood and softwood trees and shrubs. They're also very protective of their calves, according to the DEC. Sometimes moose like to roam, and sometimes their paths can cross the paths of humans, considering how much people have encroached on their habitat.
See Also: New York State DEC Issues Guidelines During Seal Season
Many of their calves are born by late May into early June, so they can be very territorial and protective this time of year. Just give them space, and don't do anything foolish.
Police Remind Public to Leave Moose And Wildlife Alone
WNYT is reporting that a moose was sighted in Troy over the weekend. By Sunday, the moose young bull moose was seen in East Greenbush, according to The Times Union. East Greenbush Police took to social media to remind the public not to interact with the animal and give it space.
That also means no feeding the moose, petting, and especially no selfies.
Police said they had contacted the New York State DEC, though they said environmentalists were "not doing anything special to divert the moose movements.".
See Also: You'll Be Seeing A Lot of Bats Here in the Coming Weeks Across New York State
One or more moose have been seen in Rensselaer County since late last week, as there was one witnessed in Pittstown Thursday.
New York State DEC Conducts Moose Study
The New York DEC, along with other organizations, is conducting a multi-year research project to obtain information on the status of New York State's moose population, health, and the factors that influence moose survival and reproductive rate.
See the form HERE
The goal of the Adirondack moose study is to gather data that will be used to create a moose management plan for New York State.

The DEC says that the majority of New York moose stay closer to the Adirondacks, but can also be found in the Catskills, the Taconic highlands near the borders of Massachusetts and Vermont, and even in areas like the Hudson Valley.
Hudson Valley Wildlife Gallery
Gallery Credit: Paty Quyn