Curious Bear Sighting In Poughkeepsie: An Unusual Urban Encounter
The bear in the tree was said to be very animated, appearing to be waving to onlookers.
You never know what you'll see living in the City of Poughkeepsie. Always strange sightings, having lived in the city for well over a decade, I can say I think I've seen it all. Some good, some not so good.
Also See: Summer Sundays On Cannon Returns to Poughkeepsie
Bear sightings in the Hudson Valley are nothing unusual. 5 years ago back in 2019, Hudson Valley Post covered the story of multiple bears showing up at a residents in Pine Plains. That same year, "Monsey the Bear" became a local celebrity in Rockland County as a large crowd gathered to check him out.
In 2022, Hudson Valley Schools Cancelled Activities After Bear Sightings on Campus at SUNY New Paltz (Ulster County) and Monroe-Woodbury Schools (Orange County). There was also the story out of a Bear Breaking Down a Door to get into a Dutchess County Home. The incident occurred in Dover Plains. NYS DEC has in the past put out warnings for Hudson Valley Campsites and Backyard BBQ's to watch out for bears. One area that I wouldn't expect to see a bear is in the City of Poughkeepsie, but apparently its not very rare.
Bear Spotted in Tree on Mansion St in Poughkeepsie
A small bear was spotted in a tree on Mansion Street in Poughkeepsie this past Friday morning, May 17. According to Disa 'De', they get a quite a few bears in the area and she says its always exciting to see them. She took some photos of the bear chillin in the tree Friday morning.
She said he was "Soo cute!" He was said to be making the cutest head gestures and moving his paws like he was waving. Seemed curious but ran up the tree when he saw people gathered around watching, and seemed more scared of the people then they were of him.

Disa called in to report the bear and was told that they were waiting on the DEC to get him down. Last she heard, they were going to rerelease him in a secluded area in New Paltz.
Bear on Campus at SUNY New Paltz NY
Gallery Credit: Paty Quyn
Bear Destroys Vehicle in Search of Food
Gallery Credit: Credit - Polly McAdams