Found a Cow on Your Car in New York? This Is What It Means
Noticed something strange recently in Hudson Valley parking lots? You're not alone.
The Internet is a strange and wondrous place. While social media platforms like TikTok have been used to spread "trends" ranging from unique ways to stop hiccups to literally stealing cars, a new (and nicer) trend has been sweeping the nation... and it's all focused on cows.
"Mooing" Trend Has Hit the Hudson Valley, NY
"I went mooing in Poughkeepsie today!" shared an eager Hudson Valley resident on Facebook. "I'm in Highland Falls, we need to spread the news so the mooing moves to this side of the bridge!!", said another. "My fiancé mood me, we’re in Middletown" chimed in a third. But what exactly is "mooing"?
"Mooing" Subaru Vehicles Explained
"Mooing" falls somewhere between a trend and a game, and involves Subaru drivers on the lookout for other owners. Once spotted, participants will leave a small cow, often in a gift bag, on the windshield or on the door handle of the targeted Subaru (below), many times with a sweet note.
The idea of spreading joy by leaving a cow figurine on a random Subaru is inspired by a similar activity in the Jeep community. "Ducking", much like "mooing", involves leaving a cute little figurine on a publicly parked Jeep, but instead of a cow, Jeep owners use rubber ducks. While the idea of "mooing" Subaru vehicles is nationwide, the Hudson Valley has recently seen a sharp increase in participation.
Cows Left on Subaru Vehicles in the Hudson Valley, NY
From Walden, and Middletown, NY in Orange County to Poughkeepsie, NY in Dutchess County and many towns in between, Hudson Valley Subaru owners are finding all types of bovine paraphernalia on their vehicles. Unsurprisingly, there's a Facebook group that has been encouraging the random acts of cow-ness.
Moo Moo Subaru Facebook Group
Moo Moo Subaru is a Facebook group more than 70,000 members strong, all with the mission to make leaving cows on Subaru vehicles as classic a greeting as Mazda Miata owners blinking their headlights or Alabama football fans saying "roll tide". But why cows?
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The easiest answer is "why not?", but the extended answer isn't all that more illuminating. Moo Moo Subaru members share that the Subaru logo is the Taurus star constellation, and while people are leaving cows, not bulls, do we really need a reason for the joy?

Fun activities like "mooing" Subaru vehicles can help spread positivity on local Hudson Valley roads, something that's needed in a community where navigating traffic circles feels like rocket science and many drivers act like they don't know what yield means. So grab some cows, search for a Subaru, and check out these unusual New York road trip must-stops on the way (below).
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Gallery Credit: Chuck D'Imperio