Male Celebrities Who Were Victims of Nude Photo Leaks
Celebrity nude photo leaks don't just affect famous women. They also happen to male celebrities, too. And they're just as violating and unfair.
Over the past few decades, and especially since the rise of the internet, blogs and digital tabloids, a number of male celebrities have been victimized by embarrassing and unethical online nude photo leaks.
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In the mid-2000s, Fall Out Boy bassist Pete Wentz's private full-frontal photos were stolen and uploaded to an internet message board. A few years later, Chris Brown's ex-girlfriend maliciously leaked the controversial R&B singer's nudes on the internet, and paparazzi snapped naked pics of an unsuspecting nude Justin Bieber while he was relaxing on vacation.
But not every leak has been totally malicious. Some male celebrities, such as Avengers star Chris Evans, accidentally and unwittingly orchestrated their own nude photo leaks thanks to a little social media carelessness. Oops.
However, whether or not a nude photo leak is accidental or orchestrated by a spiteful ex or money-hungry tabloid, it's safe to say no celebrity should ever have their private photos stolen or circulated publicly.
Male Celebrity Nude Photo Leaks
Gallery Credit: Erica Russell
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