Is it Legal to Smoke Weed in Your Car in New York State?
So, there are new laws in New York State that allow you to have cannabis on your person. There are even laws that say you can smoke it pretty much where ever smoking is allowed.

There is even a law that says that a landlord cannot deny you a rental property because you smoke cannabis. However, the landlord can say that you are not allowed to smoke inside your rental or anywhere on the rental property itself (just like cigarette smoke).
But can New York State say that you cannot smoke weed in your car? We are not talking about smoking and then getting in the car to drive, that is a whole other type thing.
Say you are parked, anywhere in the State of New York, keys not in the ignition, just hanging out and you decide to light one you? Is it legal? Can you do it? Yes, you CAN do it, but is it legal? Come on, this is New York, so you know what that means? So, probably not.
According to the New York Office of Cannabis Management website, and their "Adult-Use Cannabis Legalization" information flyer/pdf, here is what you need to know about being in the car and smoking.
"Restrictions on where you can use Cannabis cannot be consumed when operating a motor vehicle. The smoking of cannabis is prohibited anywhere smoking tobacco is prohibited. Be aware landlords, property owners and rental companies can still ban the use of cannabis on their premises."
Unfortunately, I could only find info about the legality of you smoking it while the car is in motion. That is not legal.
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