Indian Point Sirens Scheduled for Full Volume Test
Officials in Orange County have announced that the sirens at Indian Point will be tested at full volume, and residents should not be alarmed when the sirens go off.
The Orange County Commissioner of Emergency Service, Brendan Casey would like to advise residents in Orange County that a full-volume test of the Indian Point Energy Center siren system will be conducted between 10:00 a.m. and 11:00 a.m. on Tuesday, May 11 throughout the 10-mile Emergency Planning Zone, including the sirens in Orange County.
During this full-system activation test, sirens will sound simultaneously for four minutes. The sirens will sound at full volume for the entire duration of the test. No action on the part of the public is necessary or required for this drill.
The sirens at Indian Point are tested at different times throughout the year to ensure that they work in the event of an actual emergency. Indian Point is located in Buchanan, N.Y., and is a nuclear-powered electric generating facility on the Hudson River in Westchester County, close to portions of Orange, Rockland, and Putnam Counties.
During an actual emergency, residents would listen to Emergency Alert System on radio or television for information and instructions for any action that would need to take. Sounding the sirens is a signal for residents to listen to EAS broadcasts for important information. It is NOT a signal to evacuate.
Please remember that this will only be a test. More information regarding the testing of the sirens at Indian Point can be found on the Orange County Government website.