How to Get the ‘Luck of the Irish’ in the Hudson Valley
All of us in the Hudson Valley could use some good luck and these ways might be able to help you. Happy St. Patrick's Day, it's a day where everyone is Irish and most people celebrate by drinking green beer or anything that has alcohol in it. When I was growing up, my grandmother always told me how St. Patrick's Day is a lucky day and there are certain things you can do to improve your luck. Do you plan on doing these today?
Good luck or not true?
According to my grandma you need to wear something green today to get good luck. It can be a shirt, pants, hat, socks or something smaller....BUT IT HAS TO HAVE GREEN IN IT. She didn't get into the details why, but expressed again to wear green. She also mentioned that if you see someone who is not wearing green you should pinch them. Times have changed and I don't recommend going up and pinching random people, but maybe only someone you know REALLY well. The last thing is to get Irish soda bread, but you have to cut the top off to "let the devil out". Doing this will reportedly help get rid of any potential bad luck that you could be facing. She also mentioned that you should to find a four leaf clover, but that can be very difficult.
Take it how you want, but it never hurts to try to get good luck...especially these days. Do you know any more St. Patrick's Day traditions or beliefs? What are your plans for St. Patrick's Day? Share them all with us on the station app.
If you are looking for something cool to do over the weekend and celebrate, there's a haunted St. Patrick's Day attraction that looks pretty cool. We also have all the details on how you should be cutting your corned beef. Have a great day and enjoy.
We are talking about the Hudson Valley, here are restaurants people miss around here and how to adopt a state highway: