How you can Trunk-or-Treat this Halloween in the Hudson Valley
Have you ever heard of this term before? Trunk-or-Treat signs have been posted all over the Hudson Valley. If you aren't aware of this new trend, let me fill you in.
Just like traditional trick-or-treating, kids would dress up and collect candy. Typically, parents, guardians or a school come together to form a safe place for kids to do this new style of trick or treating.
The idea behind this involves decorating the trunks of vehicles with Halloween decorations. Kids would then go car to car as if they were trick or treating from house to house, instead its car to car.
There are trunk or treat party supply stores that have kits to deck out your own vehicle.
I have never been to a trunk-or-treat event but it seems like something that would be fun. It would be great if there was one night to go trick-or-treating and another for trunk-or-treat. You could double up on the candy and fun at the same time.
Here are a few places within the Hudson Valley to join in on the fun of trunk-or-treating.
Goodwill Church, Montgomery
This will take place on October 31,2021 and set-up begins at 2:15pm.
Find out more here.
Middletown Elks and YMCA of Middletown
This event will take place on October 30,2021 at 2:00pm.
Find out more here.
Town of Esopus Library, Port Ewen
This event will take place on October 30,2021 at 2pm.
Find out more here.
Would you take your kids or family members trick or treating or try out trunk-or-treat instead? Let us know below.