How to Share the Roads with Truckers in New York
It is no secret that driving around on Hudson Valley roads on any given day can be congested. You also have probably noticed that we share the roads with a lot of trucks.
Trucks play an important role in getting our goods to and from places but they can also be a source of frustration if you find yourself dealing with a lot of them on the road. The reality is the truck isn't really the problem. More often than not the problem with trucks on our highways is a result of those of us driving cars not sharing the road.
Do You Know the NO-ZONE for Driving near a truck in New York?
Recently the New York State Department of Transportation (NYSDOT) shared on their Facebook page this really important diagram showing the visibility issues a truck can have a car driving near them on a Highway. The NYSDOT wants all of us to know the NO-ZONE. Basically, it comes down to there are a lot of places that a car can be next to or even behind a truck that is considered blind spots therefore the car can not be seen by the driver of the truck.
Yes, it is true there is a lot of technology that can combat the blind spots truckers experience but let's just say until we know that technology is in every truck cab we should make sure as car drivers we follow the diagram. Area roads like Route 84 and the Thruway are known for the high truck traffic but this is also important to remember on roads like 9W and Route 9 through Dutchess County. The Maybrook area near all the warehouses is another good place to follow this diagram.

I personally love to drive I even enjoy long trips on endless highways. I have found that hanging with trucks on long journeys can be beneficial. Most trucks are doing a decent speed that is easy to keep up with while still navigating your trip. I have also noticed that if you are cruising with a pack of truckers you can get down the road a bit faster.
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