5 Super Helpful Tips To Make Your Food Festival Experience
Have you gone to a food festival, post-pandemic yet? Doesn't it sound like something fun and normal to do? While there are a great many food truck, wine & food, along with hard cider and beer events coming to a town near all of us, there are a few things you might want to know before you get a tasting.
You're going to need a plan. Not just a plan to attend the event, but a plan as to how the event is going to go down. Sound silly? It isn't. Your time, and your taste buds, will be better served if you go into any of these amazing events with a plan. Trust me, its not hard.
What type of a plan is needed for a food truck, or any food and wine event?
It might sound silly, but preparation for these events is key. What do you need to bring with you? A friend, a bottle of water for every 2-hours of the event. A plastic knife, hand sanitizer, and your pal, wet wipey things. Sound like a lot? It really isn't. You should also bring cash, yes more vendors are taking things like cash app services or debit/credit cards, but there will eventually be a snafus with signal or something and having a little cash means you will be able to score yourself something awesome.
So what else is to this plan for food festivals, and food truck festivals?
Ok, the water is so you can stay hydrated, but double check that you can bring in outside beverages. The plastic knife is so you can cut each of your items in half, so you and your friend can share, thus getting to try twice the amount of food and not spend twice the price. The hand sanitizer, is just so you can keep it clean when there isn't fresh water and soap to wash up, and the wipey things are to keep you and your hands clean, or a picnic bench. Plus, in a pinch when you spill something on yourself, quick clean up.
What would you say is another important thing to consider when pre-planning or pre-gaming your event?
You should really find out (when it's possible) in advance, who is going to be attending. Which restaurants or food trucks, (or wineries) then you will be able to make note of which ones you want to try. You can get in one line and order, while your friend is in another line ordering, then you can meet back up at a table, use that plastic knife and try everything. You can also prioritize which places you want to make sure you get to go to and then the places you can save for later in the day, or just know to skip.
Best of luck with all of the great outdoor activities that are returning, post-covid. Enjoy!
Here are a few places where you can take your put your new "Food Festival Skillz" to work:
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