New Study Proves Drumsticks Are Better Than Flats
In Western New York there has always been the debate about which is the better wing, drumsticks or flats.
Now there is proof that team drumstick is correct and drumsticks are the more popular style of wings.
According to the study done by Cree Lighting, New Yorkers prefer drumsticks with blue cheese over any other combination.
I am definitely on team Drumstick and here are the reasons why.
#1 - They Are Easier To Eat
Drumsticks are WAY easier to eat than flats. It takes only one hand, you don't have to worry about turning and twisting. You just eat it like corn on the cob.
#2 - They Are Easier To Hold only takes one hand to eat that leaves your other hand to grab another one or an ice-cold beer.
#3 - They Are Easier To Dunk In Blue Cheese
When you order wings, you usually get your blue cheese in small cups. With a drumstick, you can get maximized coverage of meat with blue cheese since most of the meat is at the top of the drumstick
#4 - More Meat
Most drumsticks come with a ton of meat at the top of the drumstick and plenty of meat on the bone. With flats, you have to dig for the meat and you only get little sections. Drumsticks are meatier!
#5 - Drumsticks Are Cleaner Than Flats
Yes, with drumsticks the end of the meal is way cleaner than with flats. You only have to use one hand, you are not digging your face into the wing to get sauce all over you. Plus there are fewer bones to toss away when you are done!
While wings are always an awesome pick for dinner, next time go all in on the drumsticks.