DA: Lower Hudson Valley Woman Busted With Stash of Fake Vaccine Cards
This again? A woman pulled over in the Hudson Valley for a fake license plate was carrying more than just phoney tags, according to officials. The New York Daily News is reporting that the 53-year-old woman was traveling through Harrison on the afternoon of September 23 when she was initially pulled over on suspicion of the forged plates. Once pulled over, police noticed a stash of 21 fake COVID-19 vaccination cards in her vehicle, according to the Daily News.
The Westchester County District Attorney says the woman was charged Tuesday in Harrison Town Court with five counts of criminal possession of a forged instrument. Now the Mount Vernon woman could face anywhere from just probation time to up to seven years in jail. State officials are on the hunt for fake vaccination cards like these, especially as some businesses are now mandating all employees carry proof of vaccination. if caught, you could be facing some serious charges.
Just over a week ago, New York State Police say that a 24-year-old man was arrested for allegedly producing a phony vaccination card at his place of employment. The Eaton, NY man has been charged with second-degree possession of a forged instrument, which is a Class D felony.
This is certainly not the first case of a fake vaccine card coming back to haunt someone. A well publicized story was reported over the summer, when a simple misspelling got one woman busted for fogery. The NY Post says that a 24-year-old woman was busted in Hawaii after investigators were tipped off to the questionable document. According to Hawaii News Now, her card allegedly misspelled Moderna as “Maderna”.The Post says she was caught Saturday when she tried to fly back out of Hawaii. The Post says that the fake card claimed she was vaccinated in Delaware but officials found that not to be true.